Non Resident Player Passports AA Tryouts, News (NOTL Hockey)

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Apr 25, 2022 | Toby Gula | 1404 views
Non Resident Player Passports AA Tryouts
OMHA "NRP" PASSPORT INFO  Peewee, Bantam, Midget player or goalie wishing to try out for the next closest AA center  accepting Non Residential Players (NRP) will need an OMHA "NRP" passport from NOTL Minor Hockey to attend these tryouts.  For a passport please contact Toby Gula  , OMHA REP , email [email protected] with the following information; Players Name, Date of Birth,  Address, Phone number, Team played for this past year, Team trying out for. PLEASE NOTE! In order to receive an "NRP" passport and before you can try out, you MUST first be registered with NOTL Minor Hockey  This is a duplicate copy and not available on-line.  You must receive it from Toby Gula in person. 

Non Resident Players (NRP) 
Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible for an NRP?
Any players registered in their home centre that are Minor Peewee aged (11 years old) or older as at December 31st of the current playing season are eligible to receive a NRP.

Within which centre does the player register?

All players must register in their home centres.

How do you obtain a NRP for a player?

Only players that provide proof of registration (receipt for registration) will be granted a NRP Passport.

How does a player determine which centre he is eligible to tryout for?

The player is eligible to tryout in the “AA” centre closet to his home address that is;
  1. Accepting NRPs. 
  2. Closest based upon mileage from their home address to the centre point of the closest neighboring “AA” centre. 
  3. The address used is the address on record within the Hockey Canada Registry database. 
How is the distance to the next closest centre measured?
ALL distances are measured using Google Maps.

Can players from one “AA”
centre tryout in another “AA” centre?

No.  With one exception all players can only tryout for centre teams rated higher than their own.

What is the exception?

If a player’s home centre is “AA” and does not make the “AA” team he can attend tryouts for the “A” centre closest to his residence, provided his home centre does not provide “A” hockey. 

Can a player obtain more than one passport?

No. A player only gets a single passport.

If a player is selected for the team above his centre, does this mean he is permanently a member of the new centre?
No.  The NRP process is good for a single season only.  All players interested in trying out for centres above their home category must go through the process every year.

Can a player attend a tryout for a AA centre outside of their own without obtaining a NRP?

No.  The only way players can tryout in another centre is by obtaining the NRP from his home centre.

How many NRPs can be rostered on a team?

The maximum number of NRPs allowed per team is three (3).

What happens if a NRP quits a team after he has been selected?

Once a team has rostered an NRP no replacement NRP will be permitted if the player eventually quits the team.  This would reduce the NRP number the team can to a maximum of 2 players.
