Notl Team Culture, News, Minor Midget, U18, 2018-2019 (NOTL Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2018-2019 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Sep 15, 2018 | Rob Alexander | 1204 views
Notl Team Culture
What is culture?

The set of shared ATTITUDES, VALUES, GOALS, and PRACTICES that characterizes an institution or organization   


What is culture?

The set of shared ATTITUDESVALUESGOALSand PRACTICES that characterizes an institution or organization




·        "the attitude with which we approach the situation can determine our success or failure"-

·        Positive attitude will always win

·        Feed the good wolf inside you; help it grow




·        A team is a family; all with the eagerness to learn and grow together as one

·        Respect the sport; officials; teammates; coaches

·        Self respect; your actions become your reality

·        We win and lose as a team

·        No individual is responsible for a loss in a team sport




·        Goal setting is very important

·        Each game and practice there are certain goals to achieve

·        Team goals (certain record by month; always driving forward)

·        Individual goals (assess what your role on the team is; do it with the utmost enthusiasm and passion)

·        Always reassess and re-tool goals; there's always somewhere higher to climb




·        Starts with coaching staff to instill culture; team objectives and goals

·        Focus on and enjoy the PROCESS

·        To perform at a champions level,be process oriented in your approach to both practice and competition

·        Hold selves and others accountable for actions

·        Always have faith in everything you do; and the team does

·        FUN! The game and work put in should always be enjoyed by all




"You have to train your mind like you train your body"


GOAL SETTING- Think it then ink it

MENTAL IMAGERY- Visualize to actualize

SELF TALK- Feed the good wolf

CONFIDENCE- Flex your confidence muscle

FOCUS- A champion is a now-ist

BREATH CONTROL- Breathe life into your performance

MENTAL TOUGHNESS- Build your inner strength bank account

ANXIETY MANAGEMENT- Go from panicky to pumped

ENJOYMENT- Humor is the best sports medicine

BODY LANGUAGE- Make a golden impression

INTENSITY- Own your zone

PERSONAL AFFIRMATION WORKS- Power phrases for becoming a champion


Thank You

Notl Minor Midget Team Staff

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